Wednesday, February 29, 2012


Logan taught great grandma how to use the Kendle


My safe method for transporting carbon dioxide...buckled in Logan's caraway.


Sticker Face

Grandpa's 90th

The great grand kids and Grandpa Great

Most of the clan. Can you tell we're all related?

Airplane reading

Pick what you want from the SkyMall

Safety is key

The one who loves me

He went swimming with me on a nearly cold Hawaiian evening

Took me to the North Shore to show me where the turtles are

Tells me all the time that holding the camera far out does not make a good self portrait

Actually wanted to take a picture of me in a swimsuit and even took enough shots so he got one that I looked good in.

Start of the Season

First beer evening of the 'warm season'. Shared with a good friend, of course.

Enjoyed while kids and dog play


For those who have followed me from the American Girl blog to this new one, welcome. I've decided to change my presence in blog world. This blog will be my way of commemorating moments of our simple life that I want to treasure and share. Many of these moments will be obvious. Others will be a glimpse into my way of thinking.