Friday, March 30, 2012

Magical Southern Day

Thursday was one of the rare perfectly southern days. Our friends (Susan, Win, Lem and remember them) from Italy were visiting a historic family home only an hour away from us. The kids are all about the same age and they played together pretty well. No crying, and just a couple instances of not sharing. I was so happy to see Susan for the first time in two years. We fell back into conversation as if we had just seen each other last week. That's a good sign of a good friendship.
The house...oh man...the house. So Susan's in-laws are 3 months into restoring a 110+ year old family house. A big house. We had a great time taking the house tour and exploring the property. I am very excited for the Anderson family. The home will be a family vacation home that is large enough for the entire family to visit. I hope that Lem, Gwen and their cousins will have wonderful times growing up together with this charmed home in their lives.
Other moments of the day...Vivian stuck her hand into an ant pile. Thank Lord it was only little black ants and not fire ants. Her hand still swelled up pretty well.
The piano tuner stopped by. He played on the old old grand piano while we sat on the porch and listened while kids played. In true Southern fashion, the piano man introduced himself to everyone, and said good bye to each of us--even the kids.
So thanks to the Anderson's for letting us visit. I cannot wait until they come back to town so we can have another adventure.

Monday, March 19, 2012

Garden Going Ons

Front yard. Tulips are in bloom

My surprise this morning is this bleeding heart. It died last year, but the roots must still be trying to survive.

Shrubs in the back of the house. This was just a big sand pit.
Herb garden. Lots of mint this year. I've worried too much about it taking over, but now I've decided that I like mint enough that I won't mind if it takes over. Besides, nothing seems to grow in this spot.

Vegetable garden: Broccoli, Romaine lettuce, chard, and spinach (at my neighbor's request)

I gave up on raspberries. Pulled them out. Put in three more rabbiteye blueberry bushes. Also put down some weed blocking fabric and mulch to cut down on watering and weeding. Even put down soaker hoses. I'm learning how to do things the right way rather than the quick way.

More back of the house changes. This is a hodge podge of iris's, day lilies, azaleas and a couple other random flowering plants. Many of the plants came from mom's garden in Washington.

Also (but not pictured until things get growing) the entire back of the fence is iris's. All from Aunt Margie's amazing iris collection in Washington.


Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Boring Stories

Vivian is becoming a story teller. Here is today's story:
"Today when I was starving, I ate all my chicken nuggets. Then I stopped. Then I came ate some more. Then I stopped. Then I came back. I ate all of them."

Time out!

On the drive from Home Depot, I had to put knock-knock jokes in time-out. There is nothing so annoying as being trapped in a car with my two kids telling nonsense knock-knock jokes in a never ending loop.

Monday, March 12, 2012

Wrong number

Ring! Ring!

Is Deacon Dave there.
No sorry wrong number.
Oh! Forgive me dear. I'm so sorry.
It's fine.
You have a blessed day. Remember I love you and God loves you and there is nothing you have to do to make us love you and nothing you can do to make us stop you love you.
Laughing. Thanks. You have a good day too.
God bless you.

(This is why I love southerners! Weird yes, but she made me smile and that counts for a lot)

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Tuesday, March 6, 2012


Vivian says she does not look crazy. She (and Meghan) say she look awesome

Thursday, March 1, 2012

From my neighbor.

"So I was thinking, its a beautiful day, we should drink beer outside again."