Tuesday, July 3, 2012

The past months

As you all know, Dustin's job has caused me to be a single mom for the past many months. I'm happy that Dustin's had this job opportunity. Each week, he has some new experience that makes me say, "Seriously this is our life!?! That's so awesome." For a couple kids from super small town America, its what we dreamed of when we dreamed about getting out and away from all we grew up with. Now we're going to work toward doing this diplomatic service thing as a family.
That said. In many ways this has been the most difficult deployment we've had. From my end...being a stay at home single mom of two preschool children...well its more work than I've ever done in my life. Days start at 6am and I don't really get a break until 8pm (on a good night). Before Dustin left, I had lofty goals of cooking healthy and going to the gym four times a week. I would get the kids into gymnastics and go to storytime at the library every week. I'd paint the interior of the house, and tile my bathroom. Well turns out that I can't do it all. Especially on my own. I've had to set aside a whole lot of my good ideas, just because I needed to keep my head above water.

This blog has been one of the many personal joys that had turned into a chore and thus was set aside for a while.

Dinners lately have been uninspired. Pancakes, snack plates, leftovers (of what, I know not because I only cook once maybe twice a week), homemade pizzas, cereal and corndogs are our typical meals. I dearly miss going to yoga, but I just couldn't get myself to the gym as often as I wanted, and I can't get enough time alone to do yoga at home without a kid or cat crawling under me.
But enough of the bad.
Cutting life back to the necessities has brought some unexpected progress.

Coming up....those unexpected progresses.

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