Tuesday, July 3, 2012


Reading to your kids every single night...it works!!! A while ago, Vivian started pointing to words in books I read to her. "That says 'Jack' and that says 'Annie'." One day at the clinic, she was reading every word she knew on a sigh. It finally dawned on me that maybe I should get her some sort of books to help her learn to read. I found the BOB books on Amazon. I think they've been around forever. That's because these things work.

Vivian read the first book out of the box with no problem. She has been able to sound out words, and is just about through all twelve books in the first collection. She is has been confusing 'b' and 'd', but that's common. Practice and not reading when she is tired will help.
Tonight I started to read a library book with her and asked her if she wanted to try read this book. Well she did! I had to give her words like 'bulldozzer' and 'brother'. But she did awesome!
Vivian read this tonight

One additional tidbit about reading with the kids...
When Dustin is here, bedtime reading is his territory. I'm not sure I'm willing to give bedtime reading back to him. We will probably have family story time.
What I'm loving about story time is that I'm cramming a bit of my literary knowledge into little minds. Tonight we covered the topics of alliteration, personification, and compound words. There is nothing that makes a mommy swell with pride as when a five year old can understand personification. She will tell you, "Person-f-cation, is when animals are like people. It makes stories better." Close enough for five, right?

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